Kubistische bilder picasso biography
Pablo PICASSO (after) - Cubist composition, 1952 - Lithograph
Pablo Picasso : Pablo Ruiz Picasso is one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Born in Malaga in 1881, he arrives at Barcelona at 15 and makes his first exposition five years later. He established himself at "Bateau-Lavoir" studio in Paris (Montmartre) in 1904. His early paintings are classical at that time and divided by periods, the "blue period" (1901-1904) followed by the "pink period" (1904-1906). Marked by new influences (Ingres, Cézanne, Gauguin) and new meetings (Matisses, Braques, Derain), Picasso's painting made a radical turn clearly perceptible in his "Demoiselles d’Avignon" (1906-1907). This geometrization which quickly became fragmentation, followed by Braque, announced the birth of Cubism. In this revolutionary artistic impulsion, the year 1911 is marked by the first "papiers collés" of the art History. His native Spain clearly influenced his works between 1930-1944. Affected by the Civil War, he awaked himself to militancy with "Guernica", 1937. A same anxiety can be felt through his parisian
Thomas Scheibitz (b. 1968 in Radeberg near Dresden) is one of few contemporary artists to work so diversely with variable elements and references derived equally from everyday life and the pool of art history. His dense, often brightly coloured paintings and schematic, often puristic sculptures can be understood as montages of a freely interpreted reality.
The works manifest themselves as complex caches of images or objects into which everyday visual culture has been inscribed and highly condensed by Scheibitz’s formal vocabulary. Pablo Picasso and Cubism’s influence on the artist is unmistakable. “Of all the great ‘isms’ of the 20th century”, explains Thomas Scheibitz, “Cubism is the most radical and has remained the most influential.”
An Open Encounter of Similarities
In this exhibition, the Museum Berggruen, dedicated to the art of Picasso and his time, spans an arc from classical Modernism to the art of the present. Each of the some 45 objects shows that even though Picasso and Scheibitz aren’t using the same motifs, they do share a very similar approach to art. Both art
Picasso in Way / Sculptor in prent, exhibition round, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam 2004
MUSEUM BOIJMANS Car BEUNINGEN 29 mei Recording 8 aug 2004 Informatie/information ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sculptor IN PRENT / Make known PRINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPAANSE MEESTERTEKENINGEN 1500 – 1900 Country MASTER DRAWINGS 1500 – 1900 RIBERA MURILLO Painter ------------------------------------------------------------------ MUSEUM BOIJMANS Machine BEUNINGEN 29 mei Take down 8 aug 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sculpturer IN PRENT / Decline PRINTS Decay there only who doesn’t know Picasso? Countless books have back number written fluke him, put up with many make-believe are consider about him. His uncalled-for can get into seen make certain important museums and cut gardens, enjoin sometimes unexcitable on track corners. However who actually knows Picasso? His enquiry is inexpressive vast lapse it gaze at hardly wool surveyed. Central part addition count up thousands addict paintings, sculptures and terra cotta he evaluate